Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wow, it's been a while since I posted anything here. I often forget about writing on this space and I usually just post family-friendly stuff on Lucas' Web site. None of the fam has this address, so I feel a bit more free to write about things other than the kids.
But what do I want to write about now... the kids.
Lucas' swimming lessons are going better and better each day. I think it is easier for him with the everyday thing instead of the one-a-week crap at the other place -- and you can't beat $37 for two weeks of lessons! I think I'm going to take both kids to the pool for family swim so Amanda can get a chance to take a dip.
She does like going in our luxurious plastic pool at home and she doesn't mind getting her feet wet at the beach. She hasn't really been in a big pool since we went on vacation last summer and back then she was just 6 or 7 months old.

I am going a bit crazy trying to (still) unpack and paint and get furniture for this house. It has been very challenging keeping the kids busy and happy while I get anything done around here. And then there is the stress of work and I'm kicking myself for not signing up Lucas for everyday preschool. I think I will switch him in the fall because I'm going to have my hands full with Amanda and work.

Speaking of work... gotta get to it now.