Thursday, May 28, 2009

New DG Post

I added a new post to
A Motley Group of Web Sites

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Remember to Vote Today

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crouse Haus Checking In

Shit it's been a long time since I posted something here. Nothing major going on around the Crouse Haus, just busy with every day life.

Mother's Day was absolutely perfect. I was woken up by Luc quite early because he wanted to see if the tooth fairy had stopped by our house. Amanda lost her first tooth on Saturday night (it shouldn't have been lost this early, but that's another story). Luc had his 3rd visit from the fairy on Thursday and he wanted to see what Amanda got. I was not in great form because Aunt Molz was staying for the weekend for a surprise to our mom. Needless to say, Molz and I drank a bit of wine and beer (and prepared food for our picnic the next day) and 5:45 on Sunday morning was a wee bit early for me. So, I told Luc to go back to sleep. He came in again around 6:15 and said he was starving, so I told him to go fix himself breakfast. He came back a few minutes later and said he fixed breakfast for me. He had poured about four pieces of Life cereal in a bowl with some milk. What a cutie. I turned on the tube for him and hit the bed again. I tried to get back to sleep but couldn't. But I couldn't get up either... Phil would kill me if he found me up early on Mother's Day. So, I faked sleep and waited for Phil to get up. He finally did and I heard him fiddling in the kitchen. I heard the coffee brewing and then the kids coming in with breakfast. Thank God! It was very sweet. A bagel and fried egg and a cup of coffee is my dream breakfast.
We quickly packed up a picnic lunch and headed out to a state park to meet the whole fam. It was awesome. All 6 of my siblings, all my nieces and nephews, my mom and dad were there. We ate, talked shit, hiked and took a bunch of pictures. Everyone stayed longer than I expected and I was very, very happy. Then, my mom wanted to take Molz and I out for a small bite for dinner (well... really wine) at the Four Seasons. La De Da! Phil took the kids home and us ladies had a nice evening drinking wine and eating fancy food.

I just love having my little sis here to visit and I always feel like something is missing when she's gone:(

We've been busy with t-ball and playdates and trying to pull weeds. I seriously freak out every time I walk into the yard. I could spend 8 hours a day for a week and still there would be weeds everywhere. My garden just seems to really be the best place for them to grow. I never had this problem in my old place... but I had a gardener back then. I think I might have to admit defeat and just get the really big suckers every once-in-a-while.

The book I've been working on is coming along. I go days where I really don't have any time at all to write and then I'll find a night where all the dishes and laundry are done and I can hunker down for an hour or two and really get some stuff done. I don't know if I'll be finished by the end of the year, but the progress I'm making is really helping me feel good about the project.

There is another project I don't feel so good about. One of my dear friends is pregnant and I decided I want to crochet a blanket for her first child. Problem is I don't know how to crochet (or knit) and I am the least crafty person I know. I bought some books and it seems like it should be easy, but I can't seem to get the knack. I have tons of projects laying around that just don't look right. I'm going to try this weekend to figure out what I'm doing wrong. If anyone out there knows how to crochet and can send a beginner a few tips on how to keep count of the stitches, I'd appreciate it.
Crouse Haus Out!