Friday, January 01, 2016


One of my goals for 2016 is to write something in this space almost every day.  More and more I find that I am not working on the book project because at the end of the day there is not one creative morsel to be found... so I write nothing.  This is not good.  If I can peck out just a few sentences on any topic, I think I will be better off than going to bed angry at myself for not writing a single word.  I had a similar goal last year and sought out a domain name -- something along the lines of 500wordsaday -- but found that none were available.  So I didn't write.  
I decided that I don't need a fancy domain name at the top of my online journal -- I can just use this off-the-grid blog to write a few thoughts, just as I did when I started the Crousehaus blog.

Today was a calm day, and I was feeling subdued and a bit depressed from the time I woke up.  We made it through one year without Jeme.  I think that's about all I want to write right now.