Friday, March 06, 2009

Go get punched!

"Go over there and get punched!"
That was a phrase spoken to hundreds of elementary school kids at my son's school today. Why do these kids need to get punched? No, they aren't bad kids... they were running in the jog-a-thon and some of us volunteers had to punch their cards as they ran laps.
I just couldn't get over how funny this phrase sounded.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun to see these kids run, run, run. Some were so determined, you would think they were running the L.A. Marathon. Good job Cubs!


Anonymous said...

My son has his run this Friday. Must be in the air! Or the schools just need more money this time of year. ;)

They tape paper to their backs and as they complete laps, the parent volunteers use those bingo dabbers to mark them for each lap they take.

Maureen said...

Dude... the bingo dabber idea is awesome! I'm going to have to steal that idea and tell our PFA pres about it.