Saturday, March 07, 2009

Last time I checked I lived in California

We were at Target today shopping for a birthday present for one of Luc's pals. As we perused the aisles of crappy toys, we came upon an odd one. It was a firefly catcher -- a jar that says it gives off a light that attracts fireflies. They enter the jar and can't get out, until you release them.

The thing that strikes me as odd is that this was at a Target here in good 'ole So. Cal. If I have my facts straight, we don't have fireflies this far west.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That IS odd. Maybe they got mis-shipped. I think we're kind of spoiled here in California. The first and only time I saw fireflys, I was around 10 and took a trip to Iowa. My sister and I spent the better part of the night outside just playing with them. To someone that's never seen those things, they're pretty cool. All of our bugs are boring here. ;)