Tuesday, April 14, 2009


For reasons I won't go into, I was having a very bad day today. I went over to my mom's to help her make some name tags for a reunion she is having soon -- she's on the planning commission and it sounds like it is going to be an awesome gathering.
So, the thing took me a bit longer than expected, but I was working while she entertained the kids. I then got a phone call with some unexpected bad news. I completely lost it. She got the kids set up with a movie and came in to talk to me about things. I was sobbing in front of the computer and she did the mom thing -- the thing I do for my 4 and 6 year olds. I'm 35 and she can still do it. It's amazing. The problem is still there, but Mom made me feel a bit better and helped me catch my breath so I can try and see what has to be done next.
My mom is awesome and I just hope that she knows how amazing she is.
The crazy thing that occurred to me just now, is that her mom is no longer here -- hasn't been for almost 30 years. Who does the mom thing for her? Must think on that....

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