Wednesday, April 11, 2007

goulash night

Just want to write this down. Got home after a busy afternoon with dentist for kids and a few other errands and I thought I had some things in my fridge to make a quick stir-fry. I settled the kids down with a book on tape and took a peek at what I had -- well, there wasn't much in there so I had to think fast. I could hear Luc's voice from the other room repeating one word... "hungry"
This is his newest thing and I've got to break him of it quick! He'll just use one word to try and get me to do something for him in some way. Hungry, thirsty, hot, potty....
It is so unbelievably rude and I don't know where he picked it up. I usually wait until he is in bed before I turn to my husband and say "tea". And dear husband makes the best cup of tea.
Where was I? Oh, yes, my rude son. I know I am supposed to simply ignore him until he gets off his bottom and comes and politely asks me for whatever it is he needs at the time.
I did that tonight and it took quite a while to work.
In any case, I was trying to think about what to throw together for dinner and that little voice was like nails on a chalkboard.
So I threw a bunch of junk together and it turned out alright. Husband totally dug it and son and daughter ate with almost no complaints.
Gotta write it down because someday I'll need a quick recipe and I'll say, now what did I put in that....
Ground beef -- browned, drain, set aside (I use 97% lean)
Clove or two of garlic in pan for a minute. Add a bunch of shredded carrots and frozen corn.
Heat that a few minutes until carrots are getting soft. Add about 1/2 can tomato sauce with italian seasons and 1 can of diced tomatoes with italian seasons. Add beef back to pan and cover and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Cook a bunch of egg noodles and toss with a little bit of butter if you want and then serve the beef mixture over the noodles.
Added a bit of fresh spinach and carrot salad for hubby and myself. Kids got some blueberries and apple slices and everyone was happy.

Now I've got to go clean the kitchen. Damn, I should have ordered out.

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